I find it a lot easier to learn from someone who is not an expert. Someone who has gone through a similar learning process as I have.
So don’t take this as advice from an absolute SEO pro, but more as something a fellow learner found out.
SEO and marketing is something I’ve never really paid attention to or cared about. Learning for me often works in a way that I’m not interested in a topic, then I completely ignore it, next, a while later I coincidentally stumble across the topic and dive in.
It happened when I started reading about this fellow here:
What inspired me was that the guy posted a thread starting with the technical side of building something. I’m familiar with this. Then he went on to get into marketing what he had created.
Cool, if he can do this, I can give it a shot too.
Improving Expense Sorted’s SEO
It inspired me enough to apply a few of the things to my expense categorisation app.
From a non-marketing guy, here is what I did.
Find Keywords
I looked up keywords on ahref and picked those that have KD < 15 and a larger number of clicks.
Keyword Difficulty (KD) gives an estimation of how hard it is to rank in the top 10 organic search results for a keyword on a 100-point scale
Volume is how often the keyword has been searched for (i.e. higher is better).
Generate Pages
Next, I got GPT to generate the content. Not only the content but also the full NextJS page:
Here’s the code:
Leading to this:
Beefing up the front page
Additionally, I linked all these pages on the front page and created an FAQ and a testimonial section. All of this took less than 30 minutes and hopefully helps my site to get found.
Other things that hopefully contribute
I use NextJS and generate mostly static sites as they deliver great performance. NextJS also does most of the metadata legwork for you.
Using descriptive URLs, such as: /use-cases/bank-transaction-classification
I also got a proper domain https://www.expensesorted.com/ and added it to Google Search Console.
I created a sitemap and uploaded it to the search console.
What I plan to do next.
I’m still waiting for Google to approve and publish the actual app, so currently, this is all just sitting there and can’t be used.
Once it’s available I want to promote it on the Hackernews show and tell channel, the side-project subreddit and producthunt.
I’ll keep you posted on how all of that goes.